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How Can Owatrol Products Prepare and Clean Your Wood?
Wood is often a top choice when decorating the inside and outside of your home. It has a number of qualities that are often the reason that many homeowners favour it so much, such as its aesthetic appeal and its sturdy nature. However, if not properly cared for, there can be problems with wood later on down the line which is why it’s important to ensure that they are adequately protected against things like rot, insects and natural deformation.
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How Can Envirograf Protect You Against A Fire?
Fire protection is a serious job and the utmost care must be taken to ensure the safety of you and those around you. Here at Trade Paint Direct we can offer you a safe and easy way to protect your property in case of a fire. We supply a range of Enviograf products which provide a protective coating for a number of surfaces including wood, steel, concrete and plaster.
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